Thursday, April 22, 2010

Growing Boy!

Klaw is now over 9lbs and over 21" in length!  He is growing very well and the doctors are all pleased.  The last bit of blood work we did showed that his levels (don't ask me to be specific yet - lots of enzymes & lots of acronyms - I'm still learning) were only 3 times above normal as opposed to 20 times above normal like his initial reading.  This shows us that the Monogen/breast milk combo is working.

We just had more blood work taken today & a urine sample, so we should have even more specific news as to whether or not he'll need L-carnitine and/or panothenic acid supplementation to help with his condition.  I really, really, really hate it when he has to get blood work done, but I know it's for the best.  The more we learn about his specific condition, the better we will be able to protect him from the harm VLCAD can cause to his body if left unchecked.

In other news, he is still super cute & getting cuter by the day.  So far, he seems to be a pretty good combination of us both in the looks department.  He definitely has my mouth...and he definitely has Chris's hair line & random body/face hair!  He is becoming more & more alert every day.  He loves to watch people & any type of movement.  Even in the car, he stares out of the window the whole time.  Lights are also quite fascinating. He's a funny little baby...
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